Here's a little sumthin' sumthin' on Lee


I have  finally relocated  from the town of Rochester, Minnesota.  For those who have known me, living in Rochester has been a thorn in my side since high school.  I'll get into some of my interests in a moment, but you'll understand that my relocation is truly a rebirth of my life.  = )  I'm relocating to Minneapolis, Minnesota.   Alright, on with the old drab, boring details.

Well, I'm a 22 year old guy living in Minnesota, USA at the moment. I've lived her all my life.

Some of my fun time activities include working on this web page!!  Ha! Believe that and I got something' for ya...

Things I *actually* enjoy include writing (when I have time--which is never), going to movies, collecting Anime, chatting on ICQ, working out at the athletic club,  mountain biking, meeting new people, clubbin' (dance clubs), technology (to a point...sometimes I wish we could go back to the simplicity of the pioneer days...I mean where has all this technology gotten us accept into more wars and busier lives?!), animals (dogs, cats, animals in the wild...HEY THAT'S ALL OF THEM! HA!), the outdoors and again, meeting new people.  = ) 

Currently I'm working hard on a beautiful story that is just the love of my creative life at the moment.  Its a story that start out as a love story, but now its become much more.  Its a story about a young prince in the times of old Monty Python (or better yet, kings and queens) in which he is coming of age as he falls in love.  He's learning things about himself that will help him shape his future and shed his last boyhood fears.  he does find the love of an amazing young woman who is a princess in a rival kingdom from the north.   their love is forbidden by the king of the northern empire, leaving her a choice to flee and join the strong young prince or stay in her oppressive kingdom and be ruled and manipulated.  Its a powerful story that I hope will become a play in Minneapolis perhaps next year.  stay tuned and I'll let u know.

Things I would like to do (and likely will) include learning how to effectively play basket ball (don't laugh!!!), rock climbing, , more travel (including trips to California, Colorado,  Europe, and Japan), do more camping, and locate the right woman for me. =)

So Lee, what kind of qualities do you look for in friends as well as girlfriends?

Well, that's a great question, Ms. Kensington.  I'll tell you.

Both friends and women should have some of these groovy features: 

Open mindedness, accepting of people, willing to be daring, high integrity, have  a spine!, no scrubs, values his/her appearance,  ambitious and willing to go higher and further in life than "the average", and is always true to him/herself.

A girlfriend should have all that and be challenging--know when to stand up to me and when not too, be as respectful in public/with friends as I am, dance, open to lots of kinds of food and fun, loves to laugh and loves to talk, and appreciates the little things just as much as the huge diamond rock I'd buy for engagement.  She should also be creative and appreciative of creativity (art, music, theatre my writing, HELLO!).        There, that was a good filler.  This page was looking kinda sickly.   
